Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Today, or this week rather, has been very stressful and frustrating.

Somehow, I have managed to get myself scheduled for a grand total of 49 hours of work. Did I mention that I also have three tests this week on top of actually attending class. Luckily, 8 of those work hours could be used towards studying. If the tutoring center is not busy, then I can do my own work while not tutoring. That is hardly the case. Tonight I have had non stop "customers" thus getting almost nothing done.

One of my tests is done for the week, thankfully, and 27 of my 49 hours of work are done. I am not super concerned about my Econ test tomorrow. Yes, I got a 79 on the first test, but I actually intend to study for this one! It is easy material, just a matter of reviewing. I also have homework due tomorrow that counts for 20 points of my Friday's test. I guess you could say it's a "take-home" test. There are eight problems and I am on number 2. Each one takes about 30 minutes to do...

When I am stressed out, the number one thing that I want to do is sleep. Most people LOSE sleep on finals week--I get the most sleep of my semester that week! I really just want to go home and go to sleep and worry about it in the morning!

That's the stressful part of my life...now for the FRUSTRATING PART.

As any Georgian college student is probably aware, the fate of HOPE Scholarship is a little shaky. The general plan right now is to up the GPA requirements for eligibility. I think that is fair. After all, it is a SCHOLARship. It should be based on merit. Most Georgians have become complacent with the 3.0 and now they are in an uproar that the MERIT is being raised. Maybe people should work harder for their money. I may not like that it is going up, but it is 100% fair.

So I am sitting in the tutoring place minding my own business when I hear one student talking to another saying "well my parents told me that them democrats want to make it so if your parents collectively make over a certain amount then you aren't eligible for HOPE."

SINCE WHEN is HOPE a need-based scholarship. Last I knew, a scholarship was something earned as an achievement, not because you need it. You should HAVE to work for it!

What happens if a student's parents make over set limit but do not support that student at all. What about non-traditional students who are married or are no longer in the care of the parents? Should their merit and hard work be dismissed just because their parents make money, of which the student benefits none?

For example, my dad does not pay my tuition but he makes over the amount that would qualify me for the Pell Grant.

WHATS THE WORST is that this student in the tutoring center was completely agreeing with his parents and when I asked him what those students whose parents make too much but don't offer any money should do, his response was, "tough luck, they can get student loans." Why can't those less merited students get loans? Why should the harder workers and higher achievers have to get loans while those with lower grades and may/may not work hard get the free handouts?

After that, I had to ignore him. I was not about to cause a scene. It was very frustrating.

Maybe my next blog will be a little happier....