Thursday, June 16, 2011

Haven't done this in a while....

After going back and reading my previous posts, I have come to the conclusion that I really only blog when I am really really mad or annoyed about something, when I cannot sleep, or when I am extremely happy about something.
To be honest, I don't feel like I can be 100% honest on this blog. Maybe I should start a new one that no one knows about? I suppose I care too much about the feelings of others. There are a lot of things that annoy be about people that I know would cause some tension in my daily life if those people were to read my blog. I registered for a tumblr which I know none of my friends know about but that site is just too darn hard to navigate! I cannot figure out how the heck to do or find anything!
Well, here I am fitting into one of my three reasons to blog: it's late, I can't sleep and I'm bored. I am sure if I just put down the laptop and laid here in the dark I would fall asleep...eventually. That would be too easy...I would much rather feed my boredom than my sleepiness I guess!
Quite a bit has happened in Catherine-land actually! You are looking at your newest High School Math Teacher!!! Yep, got a job without hardly trying. I really wasn't applying to actually get a job! I just wanted to apply for the experience of applying for a teaching job and (if i got the interview) interview practice. Well, it turns out they really liked me and the rest is history! I wasn't planning to teach this soon but it really just FELL into my lap! I hope I am ready!
This summer, Michael has been in Atlanta while I am in Statesboring. It has been a long stressful summer! I really just want my space heater (aka Michael) to come home! I am glad that he is able to spend some time with his family and make some money..he wouldn't be doing much of either down here in the Boro.
Hulu Plus has finally snaked me in! I am not even sure what parts are exclusive to hulu plus or what parts are for everyone, even non-paying people but I do know that I don't want to find out! I will now be paying $8 a month for a service I am not even sure about what I am getting. I did discover my newest obsession, Modern Family, while browsing through Hulu.
I think I am going to try to post more regularly and for more reasons than just my regular three. We'll see how long that will last!