Saturday, February 25, 2012

I can't wait to move back to Atlanta and be with my real friends who aren't just friends with me through fair weather-and my family who cares about me even though they warned me about him and I didn't listen.

I'm tired of the gov and school boards blaming teachers for low test scores. Yes, I could understand doing that if a certain teacher had significantly lower scores than the other teachers-its probably the teacher's fault. But when an entire schook is underacheiving, hke can it really be every teacher's fault? I can gaurantee that if you took all of the highest performing teachers and out them in a school like mine, the scores would be pretty much the same.

When will parents be held accountable? Maybe they're not learning because they have never been taught how to be respectful and how to work hard. The kids come and are uncontroable terrors in the classroom to the point where im spending the whole class time trying to get them to shut up and pick up their pencils. When that finally happens, half the class would rather stare at their desks than actually replace some of that air in their heads with something useful. Forget about having parental support-i have had a parent tell me that from 7 to 3 their kid is my problem and she doesnt want to hear about it. Maybe theyd want to hear about if their food stamps and welfare checks depended on the kid's behavior and test scores.  Im not sayjng they have to pass or no food stamps but what about truancy and getting into fights? Or blatantly doing NOTHING. All of these kids would pass if they tried. I know its extreme but it might work. And I know there are downsides but I cant think of another option right now.

Go ahead, keep firing teachers. Then no one will want to teach. Then Georgia really will be the dumbest state in the country.