Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Oh Walgreens......

I think one day I might hire a writer (because I talk/write in long complex run-on sentences that only I can decipher) to write a book for me all about Walgreens.

It will have the attitude of something like Chelsea Handler's books or Tucker Max's books (I want to read his new one actually!). Each little chapter would be a day in the life of a Walgreens employee. Only the interesting or funny or frustrating days would make it into the book, of course!

I mean seriously, is the whole world this stupid or is there some invisible wall that customers walk into when they enter the store that makes them completely unable to think or use common sense.

For example, Snuggies are "in" this year....again.... so of course, we sell out of all the "cool" colors and are left with only the ugly bruise purple snuggies and the UGA snuggies. A customer asks me if there are any more snuggies so I show her where all of the snuggies we have left are and tell her, "here they are. These are the ONLY snuggies we have left." She looks disappointed but I just walk away to let her wallow about how her step great uncle's son-in-law isn't going to get the color snuggie he wants.
About 10 minutes later, she walks up to me with a tye-dye snuggie and says, "Do you think you could look in the back for another one of this pattern?"
I took a deep breath so I wouldn't come across bitchy and RE-explained to her that those were the only ones. SERIOUSLY, did she not believe me or something?

Another think I wonder (but probably hope to never see for myself) is how some of these people's houses look!

Do they take their milk out of the fridge and then just leave it on the other side of the kitchen because they don't want to walk back to the fridge?

Do they miss the toilet seat and then just leave it there for the next family member or guest to find?

Do they hold up a shirt from their drawer, decide not to wear it, and just throw the shirt wherever it is most convenient?

I hope, for their sake, that they don't do these things at home. Why must they do it here? Do they think we have elves that clean up every night? I know I get paid to do it but honestly, I was hired to be a cashier and process photos not to be Walgreens' maid.

I seriously could write this whole book in this post right now but I will spare you.

Other than Walgreens, life is great! haha

The more I work at Walgreens, the more glad I am that I am about to graduate and get a real job. It's weird to think that a lot of people I work with consider this their real job. Hm..

Until next tim....

Friday, July 2, 2010

Money money money moooooney

So, the universe is out to get me! The second I have money (I mean, whoah I think I set a record with the amount of money in my bank account!) life attacks me with stuff I have to pay for!

At first it was going to be a lot more than it really is now, but I guess life felt bad for me so it cut me a little break.

My new apartment I am moving into THANKFULLY is accepting financial aid early so I didn't have to pay THAT at least!

So let's see, how much money do I owe right now?

Well, first thing: I had to buy plane tickets to go to New Jersey. Michael's parents are paying me back for his half, but they cant until next week.

Next set back: Michael's car broke down about 15 miles from the Statesboro exit the other night (Thank God we bought plane tickets, right! We WERE going to drive his car to NJ) Again, his dad will be paying for it but not until next week.

Subtotal so far? about $800

Lastly, rent is due TODAY (along with pretty m uch everything else) Michael will still be paying for his half but this still puts quite a significant dent into my bank account! The good news is that I will be getting about $600 of it back :)

Oh life, how you keep things interesting....or stressful, more like.

I walked into work with that new (annoying) song by Keshia: My first kiss went a little like thiiis...............
ugh! and I told the girl Im working with it now we both have it stuck in our heads!

After reading this back to myself, I realize now why no one reads this! I guess I could be brutally honest about how I feel about everything and everyone (Usually it's not good things I'm thinking about some things, unfortunately) but I guess I care too much about other people's feelings. I don't want to be "that bitch" who causes all this unnecessay drama just because they don't normally get wnogh attention. And, honestly, most people overreact about what is said to them anyways. I really don't want to go through that. I will just keep my thoughts to myself...or keep them with Michael anyways. Poor guy, he has to hear me talk about what he thinks is meaningless allll day. haha

Friday, March 26, 2010

Karma Comes Back Around hahaha

For those of you who don't know, I despise my roommates. They decided a few months ago that they don't like me because I confided in them about a problem I was having and I didn't take their advice. Now, I give and get a lot of advice but I have never ever gotten offended when someone does not take my advice. Advice is there to offer another option that a person may not have thought of or give another point of view. It is not explicit instructions. Ultimately, I am the one who makes the decision...NOT them!!!
So ever since then, they have ignored me, which I don't mind because all they do is meddle into other people's lives and cause drama. I welcome the silence. I guess they didn't want things to go that way, because when I ignored them back, they got mad and started doing mean things to me! I kept my cool, and just kept to myself and that just made them meaner.
I knew the time would come when karma would come back around and I patiently waited until that day. That day came (for one of them, anyways) last night. It was AWESOME. Here's what happened:
A drunk guy backed up in a parking lot ONTO another car. One of the bottom cars was my roommate's car! I do not feel one ounce of sorry for her! This isn't the first thing to happen to her car either: someone etched "Fuck You" into her car last semester. It's just more proof that if you're a bitch, bad things will happen to you!
The rest of this drunk driver story is more interesting though: He backed up onto the car, got out and started running from the cops. The cops then tazed him and detained him, all while the drunk guy was mouthing off to the cops. This was very entertaining. Made. My. Night. The picture is above :-D.
That's the most exciting thing going on in my life right now!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Very Frustrating

It is 12:20 now and I was supposed to have lunch plans today. It was supposed to be an early lunch--12-1ish. Guess who I haven't heard from yet? Guess whose phone is off? Guess who is probably asleep? MY LUNCH DATE.

I am the most OCD person when it comes to making plans or knowing the time and when things start and just basically anything that happens to do with time or schedules. HE KNOWS THAT TOO.

It is very frustrating that now I am hungry because I was planning to eat right about now and I can't get a hold of the person I am trying to eat with. When does it become ok to make other plans? Should I wait until 1pm and then make other plans for lunch or should I just say "screw it" and eat now?

HE DOES THIS ALL THE TIME AND IT IS SO ANNOYING!!!!!!!! I hate when people are not conscious of others' time and schedules. It's ALLLL about them.